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If your garden needs a boost, perhaps it’s time to rethink your edges. Installing new edging is one of the easiest and fastest way to improve the overall appearance of your garden. Whether you want to dress up a swath of perennials, draw attention to a bench in the distance, or simply keep gravel in bounds, freshening up your edges often does the trick. You can install some materials such as metal and bender board or you may try to install concrete and boulders to challenge you to learn some new skills. Edgings are not limited to what you might find at your local garden center. Sometimes the prettiest edging is simply a conventional material used in an unconventional way.
You can look at the following low-maintenance options that we have listed. For function alone, they will keep your garden neat and tidy by holding back soil, defining beds, blocking the relentless march of invasive roots, and preventing mulch from migrating. But their aesthetic value is perhaps their greatest asset, ranging from nearly invisible to command performers.

  • Brick
  • offers a classic look, with new, red bricks standing up crisp and modern, and salvaged bricks lending a subtle, timeworn appearance. Brick’s weathered, low-profile surface recedes into the background, shifting your attention to the lawn and sweeps of flowering perennials.

Pros – Adapts easily to angles and straight runs also hosts lichen and moss
Cons – Intermediate masonry skills required for creating curves
Installation Tip
– When setting a single row of bricks, no mortar is necessary; you can simply put the bricks together. Dig a shallow trench and fill it with a 1- to 2-inch-thick layer of sand. Bury horizontal bricks at least ½ inch deep and vertical bricks 2 to 3 inches deep. If you stack several rows of bricks, however, you will need mortar to hold the bricks in place.

  • Stones
  • the most natural-looking edging options. Obtaining the stones is as simple as digging them up from another area of your yard or bringing home a load from a local supplier like Nice Backyard. Yet placing the individual stones can easily consume more than an afternoon as mimicking nature is surprisingly challenging.

Pros – Easy to source locally and pairs well with informal plantings
Cons – Time-consuming and tricky to imitate nature
Installation Tip

  • Before placing any stones, determine how you want to mark the start and finish of the edging. You might select the two largest stones to stamp a definite beginning and end of a bed, or you could use a series of increasingly smaller stones that gradually disappear into the ground. Either way, roll each stone before placing it to find its best side.


  • Concrete
  • Poured concrete is fluid, at least during the installation phase. Any shape is possible, from the tightest curve to the flattest, longest run. Plus, you can vary its height, both above and below ground. You can personalize a concrete edge by imprinting shapes, such as fallen leaves; pressing in pebbles, shells, tiles, or decorative glass; or mixing in pigment for a dash of color.

Pros – Long lasting and infinitely customizable with shapes, pigments, and surface patterns
Cons – Time-consuming and complex installation and relatively permanent
Installation Tip

  • The greatest challenge when installing concrete edging is properly setting up the forms—the temporary sides into which you’ll pour the concrete. Use rigid lumber, flexible hardboard siding, or bender board to build the forms. If you’re a beginner at pouring concrete, start with a simple, straight edge, rather than a series of intricate curves.


  • Bender Board
  • For smooth and sinuous curves, it’s tough to beat bender board. The pliable material flexes easily and is relatively inconspicuous, with its top barely visible above ground. In the past, the thin strips were typically made from rot-resistant wood, such as redwood or cedar; today, however, most bender board is composed of recycled or engineered plastic.

Pros – Curves effortlessly, lightweight and easily cuts with a handsaw or coping saw
Cons – Hard to create straight lines, splices can separate over time and not widely available in stores
Installation Tip

  • The thinner the strip, the more easily it bends. Before installing, lay your bender board in the sun for a few hours to loosen it up. Dig a shallow trench, set the bender board in place, and level it. Finish by affixing matching plastic stakes with screws or wherever necessary to hold curves in place.


  • Metal
  • Metal Edgings becoming an increasingly popular option in home gardens. With its whisper-thin silhouette, it forms an inconspicuous, clean line between disparate elements. It is especially useful for creating a crisp separation between gravel and planted areas. Because of its ability to remain unflinchingly straight, it complements and reinforces strong geometry in modern designs. You can purchase at your local supplier like Nice Backyard Warehouse which they have metal edging from Straight Curve available.

Pros – Long lasting, subtle, accommodates straight runs and gentle curves
Cons – Requires a hacksaw to cut
Installation Tip

  • Like plastic bender board, metal edging comes in long strips and in similar lengths, heights, widths, and colors. It’s either made of heavy-gauge aluminum, which does not rust, or weather-resistant steel. To install either type, check your soil first; if it’s relatively soft, there’s no need to dig a trench. To anchor the edging, pound in matching metal stakes on both sides. Some metal edgings make the anchoring process even easier: These products come with a series of horizontal metal straps attached to one side into which you insert the metal stakes.


  • Timber Edging
  • Timber edging like Pressure treated pine has an added benefit. It boasts a classic look that many people enjoy: natural wood grain. Nothing, except for real wood, looks like real natural authentic wood.

Pros – Inexpensive, easy to work with and rot-resistant wood
Cons – changes its color when exposed too much sunlight and causes crack and warp to the wood
Installation Tip

  • Make wooden edging using treated pine wood and cutting it into random lengths, then placing the pieces in a shallow trench along the edge of the garden. Fill in the trench, and tamp the soil gently to settle the border in place.

Here are few creative options that you can use for Garden Edging too:

  • Upside-down wine bottles arranged in a row
  • Sparkly glass pebbles raked into a wide strip
  • Stout, tall sticks of bamboo stuck vertically on the ground
  • Slender logs or fallen wood laid end to end


Please click this link to see our Garden Edging & Accessories Products:

When thinking about having artificial grass installed one may be wondering when the best time is to do so. Or if there even is a best time. In this article there is information to help one through the process of consideration. Certainly, each person is different so think on these few ideas we will be sharing along with your personal preferences and worries before committing to anything. In the end, if you get artificial turf installed and it is everything you want it to be is what’s most important.
Here are a few of important things to think about in choosing when to install artificial grass:

  • First consideration is always going to be convenience. When is the most convenient time for you? Nice Backyard always try to accommodate bookings to the customer’s need because after all, it is your garden. Holiday periods tend to be very popular for this reason with half term and the summer holidays being the peak season in the landscaping industry. This leaves other times of the year more open for availability, potentially giving you a quicker turnaround from quote to installation.


  • Second consideration is anticipation. If you have experienced problems with your grass in the past, it is likely that they might occur again. One example is if your garden is surrounded by deciduous trees it is likely the spring/summer months bring a lot of shade or it might be that the area you live in receives a lot of rain in the winter months making your garden a bit of mud bath. If you anticipate these problems happening, install in advance. That way you can save yourself a lot of the hassle of a problem lawn.


  • Third consideration is the investment opportunity artificial grass provides. Installing artificial grass has year-round benefits. If the object is to use your lawn all the time it almost doesn’t matter when you have it installed, because you reap the rewards whatever time of year it is. Whether spring, summer, autumn or winter the grass will remain green and usable.

In general, try to avoid scheduling installations during the rainy season. Many installations are put on hold when rain interferes with getting dirt out of the installation site. Rain can make installations less productive and quite possible affect the look of your yard when complete. It may surprise you to know but from a physical standpoint it’s much easier to install grass in the winter months with the ground being much softer than in the summer. If you’re planning on installing yourself, winter is generally considered the best time to do so.

Hopefully this has been some use to you, if you’re interested you can call Nice Backyard to get a quote.


Please click this link to see our Synthetic Grass Products:

As the demand for artificial grows, so does the choice and different types of grass on the market not to mention suppliers and installation methods. When choosing the best artificial grass, it’s critical that you do your research and compare potential products on more than just their aesthetic appeal. Pile height is just one factor that will have an impact on how your artificial grass performs and, when it comes to choosing the best pile height, there is no one-size-fits-all, as it depends entirely upon the application and level of foot traffic as to which would suit your needs. Every application has different needs and so there is no one ‘best pile height’ that will perform well in all situations.
Pile Height is measured in millimeters, the pile height is the length of the fiber from the backing all the way to the tip of the grass. Everyone associates real grass with a lush-look, because of this longer pile height artificial grasses are often popular. Pile heights can range from anywhere between 10mm up to around 80mm. However, the extremes at the ends of the scale tend to be used for sports applications, whereas for most domestic garden lawn applications, pile heights between 25mm and 45mm are far more common. It is also recommend going for a pile height of between 30 – 37mm. Anything higher than this and you risk having flat-looking grass. The reason for this is the longer the blade the heavier the blade will be and the more likely that gravity will bring it down leading to flat-look, rather than lush-look grass. The pile height that you choose for your artificial lawn has an impact on both aesthetics and performance. It can affect three key areas: resilience, touch and aesthetics:
One of the key aspects of realistic-looking artificial turf is vertical fibers. Compared at real grass, the fibers are in a vertical position, therefore that’s exactly what we want to replicate when manufacturing artificial grass. If the synthetic fibers on your fake turf aren’t in an upright position, they aren’t resembling real grass blades, and your lawn will look fake. When it comes to synthetic fibers, the longer the pile, the less resilience they will have. As the longer the fiber, the greater the difficulty it will have in remaining in a vertical position, as its center of gravity is higher. As a rule of thumb, the higher a pile of height, the less resilient the grass will be.
As we now know, the longer the fibers, the more flexibility they have. It means that they bend more easily and offer less resistance to the passage of the hand, which translates into better touch (The higher the pile, the better the touch). For lower pile of heights since the fibers are shorter, they offer less flexibility and therefore greater resistance to the passage of the hand (The shorter the pile, the worse the touch). You can feel the difference between various pile heights by requesting your artificial grass samples which NICE BACKYARD will deliver straight to your doorstep.
Choosing the best pile height, aesthetically, really depends upon personal taste. Some prefer the look of freshly cut grass and, therefore, shorter piles will tend to appeal to this group of customers. If that’s the case, choosing a grass between 25mm–30mm, such as Inverness, is likely to suit your tastes. On the other hand, some. customers prefer a slightly longer pile, as they feel it looks more natural. This could mean anything between 30mm–45mm. When it comes to aesthetics, there really is no right or wrong; just choose what you think looks best.
We hope that with all the information above, you have learned more about which Pile Height is good for your lawn. At Nice Backyard we have stocks of different types of grass and piles which is perfect for your choice of need. You can call us right away for a Free Quote too.

Please click this link to see our Synthetic Grass Products:

If you are planning a garden overhaul at some point soon, then you may be considering whether to use paving or artificial grass or even both in your new garden. Of course, there are pros and cons to both types of surfacing. But artificial grass does have some distinct advantages over a hard standing. It’s also true that budget becomes a big factor when looking for the best solution for your garden. However, there are often a lot of other considerations at play, such as whether you’re looking to combat drainage, and how you plan to use your garden. For instance, you may be looking for a safe surface for children and pets, or a patio area for entertaining guests.When choosing the best solution for your garden, you’ll have to think about the value you’ll be getting back. Maintenance may also be an issue. For instance, artificial grass typically requires less maintenance than a patio or paving, so less work involved. A resin-bound surface requires around the same maintenance as artificial grass;however, it is slightly costlier.
Artificial Grass is cheaper to install than paving for several reasons because the ground preparation for artificial grass involves less excavation. Labor time required is also reduced as the installation is far quicker compare to patio installation which may take double this amount of time or more. The reduce labor time means a large financial saving. Artificial grass and paving each have their strengths and their weaknesses.In truth, both artificial grass and paving can work together in perfect harmony to create the low-maintenance garden of your dreams.Many of the customers would like to have a patio area to put their garden furniture on. Although it is possible to do this with good quality fake turf, garden furniture is generally best left on a hard standing, especially over the long term.You can also combine paving and artificial grass to create stepping stones that will give any lawn the wow factor
There’s less chance of injury
Fake turf has an obvious benefit that its much softer than paving. Good quality artificial grass has a dense pile that is soft to the touch. The softness of the artificial grass will cushion the impact of any trips or falls in the garden and it’s less likely to cause injury.
Paving is a hard surface that can cause cuts, bruising and even broken bones. Paving slabs may also come loose over time, causing them to become unstable or even creating a dangerous trip hazard.
Like Paving, There’s No Mud or Mess
It may sound obvious, but many people forget that with artificial grass, there’s no mud or mess. In this respect, it acts in much the same way as a hard surface.
There’s Less Chance of Staining
Most types of paving are susceptible to staining. Oil, paint or wine can be very difficult to remove. However, with artificial grass these types of staining are much easier to remove. Most types of spills are generally wiped clean from the turf. For oil-based stains you may need to use a small amount of white spirit, but these types of stain will not soak into the plastic fibers in the same way they do with natural stone products.
Fake Grass is Free-Draining
A distinct advantage that fake grass has over paving is that it is completely permeable.With proper installation, this means that you won’t get any standing water on your artificial turf.
Paving, on the other hand, requires the installer to put a fall on the paving to channel any surface water run-off to a flower bed or drain. The larger the area of your garden that is paved, the more you are contributing to flooding, as there is less earth for rainfall to naturally drain through to allow it to return to the local water table.By keeping hard standing areas to a minimum, you’ll be minimizing your impact on the environment.
Perfect for Shaded, Damp Areas of the Garden
Most gardens tend to have an area that is continually damp and forever sheltered from the sun.These types of areas are perfect for artificial grass as it is unlikely that much would grow under these harsh conditions.
Paving is an option, but one of the problems with putting natural stone in these types of areas is that it can become discolored, maybe even turning green.This is due to the damp conditions.
Artificial grass will not discolor or fade when installed in such areas, making it the perfect solution to bring damp areas of the garden back to life.
No Chemical Sealants Required
Most types of paving, especially natural paving, greatly benefit from the application of a chemical sealant to increase their lifespan and protect the paving from the elements.
Fake turf, on the other hand, doesn’t require any form of chemical sealant or even any kind of pesticide, fertilizer or weed killer, such as might be associated with real grass.

Please click this link to see our Synthetic Grass Products:

Drainage is the most important for Artificial Grass. It is crucial that rainwater is syphoned away from the grass or you’ll likely to end up with bothersome pools of water lying on the grass every time it rains or when you water your plants. If the artificial grass isn’t installed with drainage in mind, the life expectancy of your grass will be shortened. The pools of water can make the grass look unlevel in some places and of course children and pets won’t be able to play on the grass without getting wet. The grass itself should be fully permeable so that rainwater can run straight through it to the sub-base, however it’s the sub-base installation that potentially poses problems. Good quality artificial grass, when installed correctly, should drain rainwater through a drainage base below the leveling layer which is the sand. Not installing this layer is typical of a poorly installed lawn so you’ll want to make sure you prepare your base thoroughly before laying your grass. Most good installers will excavate the old current grass layer and remove the debris before laying an aggregate sub base on top of the soil.
Unfortunately, many installations from experts have been below the standard at which artificial grass should be safely and efficiently laid. Common issues such as lack of preparation, insufficient depth of soil, or simply the wrong drainage aggregate use are common occurrences. By carrying out a full excavation of the existing surface, any reputable installer can tell you how much drainage you should be laying  to prevent any flooding issues.
Here are some tips on How to prevent Drainage Problems on your Synthetic Grass:
Use Synthetic Turf with Drainage:
The best type of artificial grass is highly permeable, as it has drainage holes built into it. This means that any water will just pass right through it without any problems. Drainage holes are small holes that are dotted throughout the grass and they can only be seen by looking at the underside, so they won’t spoil the look of your beautiful new lawn in any way. By sticking to high-quality synthetic turf, you will get grass that looks great and won’t give you any flooding issues. You can check Nice Backyard’s Synthetic Grass as they have different types of grass that you can choose. They do installation too and supply products for customers.
Proper Installation:
Install properly your chosen Synthetic Grass. This is vital if you want to have the best possible drainage and a wonderful looking lawn. You can do this yourself or you can call in the professionals to do it for you. In either case, you must put down a waterproof membrane together with a drainage base layer of sand. You need to add an infill layer of sand, which will help with drainage as well as giving a fantastic finished look. By making sure that the lawn is perfectly flat and even, you will give water no places where it can gather and cause puddles that take longer to clear way.
Use a Natural Slope:
If you have problems with drainage in the past, then you have been using a natural slope for your existing lawn. When you make the switch to synthetic turf, this is no longer an issue. You have the option of removing the slope and getting a beautifully flat lawn if you want to. On the other hand, if you want to carry on with the same sloping lawn, then this is also an option. You won’t have any problems too with installing artificial grass on a slope, although you will want to be sure to fix it down well if the slope is steep. Fixing it with nails and avoiding the use of a sand infill are a couple of techniques you might need to use.
Don’t Block the water in:
An artificial lawn gives you a tremendous amount of possibilities when it comes to finishing it off with decorative touches, but you need to careful that they don’t ruin your chances of keeping your lawn free of water. You also need to leave a clear route for any surface water to run off from your lawn when it rains. If you block the water run-off, then you will undermine everything else that you have done up to now.
Less Water Run-off means Less Flooding Risks:
If you are moving from a concrete garden or some other impermeable surface then, you should notice a positive effect on the amount of water that runs off to elsewhere after heavy downfalls or sustained periods of rain. There is no need to worry about your synthetic lawn being a flooding risk. Provided that it is of good quality and is professionally laid, you will get a fantastic surface that drains a lot more easily than you might expect.

Artificial grass can transform dull lifeless lawns into a such green areas, prefect for all the family and their pets to enjoy, whilst demanding very little maintenance. With today’s advances technology, it’s now difficult to tell the difference between real and fake grass. Because of the wide range of benefits, it is little to wonder that many people are now choosing to have artificial grass installed in their gardens.
When it comes to installation of the artificial grass, it’s always recommended that you use an experienced professional for the best results. Their knowledge and experience will ensure a perfect finish that will prove to be an excellent investment and prolong the lifespan of your artificial lawn. However, if you have time, patience and the correct tools, it’s certainly not impossible for a DIYer to install their fake grass themselves. In this article, you are looking at tools that are essential for artificial grass installation. There are additional tools and machinery that for a one-off DIY installation are unnecessary, but which the professional installer will be sure to find make their life much easier, while it’s also increasing productivity and saving them money in the long run. Having the correct tools to install artificial grass is the key to success. It can be the difference between a good or a bad installation, as well as saving you hours of time.
Nice Backyard offers every tool and machines for hire listed below needed to cut and fit artificial grass, besides carrying the most exclusive Synthetic Grass Turf products available, we stock every tool and accessory you can imagine completing the job. Think of us as a one-stop-shop for all turf demands. Whether you are an experienced installer or a homeowner, we help you get the job done faster and more efficiently.
Turf Cutter

  • Whether you’re a pro or a DIYer, we highly recommend using a turf cutter to remove an existing lawn.Turf cutters will cut existing lawns into easily removed sections of turf that can be rolled up and disposed of, and they can remove several inches of soil with each pass.


  • You’ll need a good quality wheelbarrow to cart the excavations out of the garden and you’ll find it essential again to bring in the aggregates for the sub-base.


  • A good quality shovel will be needed to scoop up rolls of sod and to load up your wheelbarrow with the aggregates needed for the sub-base.


  • You’ll need a claw hammer to install nails around the perimeter of your lawn if you’re using timber as a retaining edge, or U-pins if you choose not to use timber.The claw of the hammer can be used to remove any bent nails or U-pins that may bend during the installation

Installation Nails, Turf U-Pins and Galvanized Nails

  • Used to install around the perimeter of your lawn to secure the artificial grass.

Spirit Level

  • Rotary washing lines can easily be placed within an artificial lawn – the base/spike will just need to be cut around to ensure easy access. Washing line base/spike will need to be set into concrete to secure it in place, and a spirit level will be useful to ensure the washing line will sit level.

Tape Measures (Long and Short)

  • It is recommend having an 8m tape or, if you have a large lawn, a 30m tape, to ensure accurate measurements of your lawn are taken and carefully marked out.


  • When grading aggregates, it’s highly recommended that you use a good quality rake to make light work of achieving a level finish for your new lawn.

Plate Compactor

  • Another essential tool on our list is a vibrating plate compactor.We recommend thoroughly compacting your sub-base layers by passing over them in several different directions


  • After thoroughly compacting the laying course you’ll notice minor surface marks left by the plate compactor.These marks can be quickly and easily ironed out with a float.


  • It is highly recommend spraying enough water to dampen the laying course.This helps the particles to bind together, or compact, to provide a solid finish and prevent the dust from picking up and blowing around the garden

Stanley Knife

  • You’ll need a good quality retractable knife to cut your synthetic grass to fit your garden, as well us cutting any joints, as necessary.

Spare Blades (Hooked and Standard)

  • The key to successfully cutting artificial grass is using good quality, razor-sharp blades.The tough latex backing of artificial grass can quickly blunt Stanley knife blades and therefore it’s essential to buy good quality blades and have plenty of spares to hand.

Joining Tape

  • Used to secure 2 pieces of grass together. There are two types of joining tape, the one that needs Glue to be applied to it and the other one which is Self Adhesive which has already got glue on it. The tape should always be placed shiny side down and the glue applied to the textured side to ensure proper bonding.The glue will last for many years (longer than the lifespan of the artificial grass) and will certainly be secure enough not to come apart due to any form of usage, whether that’s a football match or the pet dog.

Joining Adhesive

  • You’ll want to apply the adhesive to the entire width of the joining tape or if you are gluing it to the concrete, you would need the Synthetic Grass Adhesive. Be careful not to go too thick with the glue or it may need up getting on the fibers when you flap the grass back over.

Turf Puller

  • Pulls two pieces of artificial grass together.

Stiff Broom

  • Artificial grass is transported in rolls which results in the fibers lying flat against the latex backing when you first unroll your fake grass.If you don’t have access to a power brush then a stiff broom can be used to invigorate the fibers and ensure that the sand dressing is brushed to the bottom of the pile.Of course, a broom is great for clearing up any mess at the end of the job, too.

Urine Free

  • Professional strength Urine Free for synthetic grass is the best solution to neutralize unwanted pet smell.

Shock Pads

  • Help to prevent and to reduce injuries and traumas. While required for athletes and children, homeowners may love to feel smooth and delicate surface under their feet as well.

Weed Control Mat

  • Before synthetic turf installation you can choose to utilize the weed barrier.

Crushed Rock / Crusher Dust

  • Use as a base before for support and water drainage to the sub grade below your Artificial Grass

Silica Sand

  • Most economical way of infill to spread to your Artificial Grass.

Sand Spreader

  • The dropspreader will ensure even distribution of the sand and prevent excessive infill, which can affect the feel of the grass underfoot. You can also contact Nice Backyard as they have Sand Spreader for Hire if you are doing DIY in installing you Artificial Grass.

Power Brush

  • Power brushes are used at the end of an installation to fibrillate the fibers prior to installing a silica sand infill.The brush is then passed over the grass for a second time after the dressing has been applied to ensure the sand sinks to the bottom of the pile.Power brushes can also be used to reinvigorate old worn artificial grass back to an upright position. If you don’t own or you did DIY for your lawn in installing artificial grass, you can contact Nice Backyard as they have Power Brush for Hire that you can use.

You will find this list to be a useful checklist. We recommend you refer to it first before starting a project, as it’s very important to make sure you have the correct tools ready to go; after all, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to dash out to your local DIY store halfway through the job. At Nice Backyard we can supply you everything that you need for the Synthetic Grass Installation Job, We have even the machines( Plate Compactor, Sand Spreader, Power Broom) available for hire.?

Shock pads are an impact absorbing surface which is made of polyethylene pieces that are commonly used in playgrounds to prevent injuries associated with falling. Due to its excellent drainage capabilities, shock pads can also be laid on roofs or in concrete areas to stop water collecting. Used underneath artificial grass too, shock pads contribute a softer feel underfoot too.
Shock pads which is used in playgrounds and children’s play areas should have a critical fall height rating. This is the measured height from which a child can fall from equipment, head first onto the material without sustaining critical head injuries. Schools and creches often install artificial grass to give their children an outdoor play area that can be used in all weather conditions. The addition of a Shock Pad underlay will give the teachers and childcare assistants reassurance that the children are protected when they stumble, fall or jump on the ground. Impacts are absorbed on compression, creating a cushion to soften the fall and returning to its original shape once pressure is lifted. This design ensures your artificial turf will stay flat and level regardless of the number of impacts it sustain. Excellent drainage guarantees that play areas soon dry out after the rain, ensuring playtime is not restricted to sunny days. This shock pads are perfect for installations to playgrounds where safety is a priority.
Here are some other uses of Shock Pads:
Shock Pads in Garden
If your garden is used as a play area, Shock Pad can give you piece of mind that any impact from falls or bumps is minimized. It can be installed near trampolines, swing sets or play equipment. Coupled with artificial grass, your garden will be a safe, clean and hard-wearing place for everyone to enjoy.
Shock Pads in Concrete, Paving or Decking
Shock Pads can almost be installed in any surface. Installing artificial grass onto concrete, gravel, paving or decking is a popular option for many people. Having a layer of Shock Pad underlay will ensure that your new lawn feels soft and safe underfoot.
Shock Pad is also a great option for gyms and sports clubs looking for an indoor functional training area for members and players.

Please click this link to see our Shock Pad Products:

Most people dreamt to own a gym whether it’s a Home Gym or a Commercial Gym. People are conscious about their body health and fitness as time passed by. Especially when holidays and family gatherings have passed, proper exercise will avail. But there are some things that needs to be discuss or learn before setting up a new gym. As successful gym requires some industry-specific knowledge and careful planning. Several key factors will play a large part in the success of your gym.
Here are Tips that you should consider when setting up a New Gym:
Find your Space/Location:

  • For Home Gym, this can be challenging especially if you live in a smaller house or an apartment, but not impossible. Whatever location you choose for your home gym just make sure you like the lighting, smell and overall atmosphere because if you don’t like the space, you are more likely to not what to spend time there.
  • For Commercial Gym, you need to choose the right location for your gym. If you’re opening a niche gym, just be sure its easily accessible to your target market. Be certain that the facility is large enough to accommodate all your workout equipment while allowing enough space for members to move freely and safely about the premises.

Create a Budget

  • Before you start shopping for fitness equipment, you should always establish you budget. Remember that you will save time and money, gas expenses, etc. For home gyms, you can start with just a couple of pieces and build up to what you believe you need to have to meet your fitness goals. For Commercial Gym, you can purchase the equipment’s to a bundle that supplies gym products. You can also do a research where you want to buy the equipment’s that offers discount and good quality.

Essential Equipment’s
Equipment’s you can use whether home gym or commercial gym:

  1. Barbell & Plate Set
  • The most important piece of equipment you’ll need for your gym and will be the foundation for all your workouts. You will be able to find all sorts of sets and plates for sale on the internet – including second bargains. Bear in mind that you’ll need a true Olympic bar so that you can rely on its sturdiness and won’t outgrow it.


  1. Bench
  • To make the most of your barbell sets, you’ll need a bench. Always go for a bench that has an incline and decline functionality; you may not use these often, but if you decide to go for a split bodybuilding style training phase it’ll come in handy.


  1. Rack
  • This is an important element of your gym set-up; it’; be the biggest piece of equipment and the most expensive. You’ll want more commercial feel as you need it to be robust enough to survive all those grueling workouts. You may also want to seek out a rack that can easily take attachments.


  1. Flooring
  • A very important aspect of gym planning is the flooring, which must protect your property and help make your gym equipment last longer. Proper gym flooring will also help reduce the sound level coming out of the gym. Aim for a commercial grade foam flooring (you’ll find it in interlocking squares). This will last years and is very affordable. You can also purchase flooring mats through NICE BACKYARD as we supply, install and deliver Rubber Gym Mats and EVA Foam Mats.


  1. Kettlebells
  • Opt for a pair of relatively heavy kettlebells (12-16kg) over a rack of dumbbells. Kettlebells is far more versatile piece of equipment. They can replicate most of the exercises you would perform with dumbbells and bring an element of momentum and functional training to your workouts.

For Additional Options
You can also add Suspension Trainer, Dumbbells, Punch Bag, Spin Bike and Mirrors.
Only Buy Quality

  • If you are going to buy equipment for your gym, remember that fitness equipment is one of those buys where you really get what you pay for. Buying gym equipment means not only are you getting top-of-the-line machine craftsmanship, but a warranty and service repair from professionals in the industry. Exercise machines should be safe, durable, and include features that will complement and enhance your workouts, such as built-in workouts and tests, a heart rate monitor, and smart phone connectivity.

Know your Workout Style

  • Once you have all the equipment’s needed for your gym, always know what style of workout you will be working on as this will be your daily routine to achieve your body goals. Don’t forget to Set yourself up to a progress as well to track if you did excel in the routine you’re working on. You can also use a help from the trainers if you don’t know what workout style you will be working on. Your trainer will be assisting you and tracking your progress so that your focus will just be doing the routine.

Devise a Workout Plan

  • Your gym won’t mean anything if you never use it, so once you’ve got the plan laid out, its time to start planning your work out schedule. For commercial gyms, your trainer will be the one who’s going to manage you when and how your workout schedule will be. For home gyms, one disadvantage is that the normal life – kids, errands, chores etc. – can make it tempt to keep putting off workouts. Just like a doctor’s appointment, work, or your child’s dance class, you should make time every day for your workout.

With all the tips above, we hope that you learned something in setting up a New Gym ?

Daycare is an essential for most parents because many families were required to have two incomes to get by financially. Others have made a personal choice to combine working and a supportive home life for the benefit of all members of the household. Single parents also don’t have the capacity to raise their young ones and hold down a job at the same time. While the incapability to do it, all is as stressful for many parents, they can rest assured that daycare is a viable option. It offers long lasting social, economic and academic benefits for kids and for their parents.
Here are Benefits that Young Children can get at a Childcare

  1. Social and Economic Benefits for Parent

Dropping your child at daycare can seem like a rushed, often anxiety-provoking experience. Even if you have done your research and actively engaged in learning about the daycare’s staff, credentials and day-to-day operations, you are still leaving your child with a group of strangers. You may have little to no interaction with people who are sharing your experience or other parents.

  1. Academic Advancement

Base from an extensive study, they have found out that young children had higher cognitive and academic achievement scores as teens if they spent time in high quality daycare as young children. The study defined that “high quality” daycare as facilities provide extensive interaction with care providers, support and cognitive-boosting activities.

  1. Regular Schedule and Activities

Young children have a schedule too at a daycare. Although they might not be aware of the ticking clock, children are provided with a full slate of activities that include songs and storytelling. For toddlers, these fun tasks are essential to their intellectual growth and development. The scheduled activities are also satisfying for parents, who can worry less that their toddler’s behavior will be erratic at the end of the day due to lack of structured times for eating, playing and napping.

  1. Time with Peers

Stay-at-home parents value the regular play dates that they arrange with families and neighbors with kids of a similar age. Daycare interaction is an extension of this phenomenon, this is where the kids get to spend time around one another in a supervised, structured and safe environment. Kids can learn how to problem-solve, share, play and learn well together, while their minds are still growing and personalities still emerging.

  1. Smoother transition to Kindergarten

This choice benefited is not only the parents, who have a greater involvement in their children’s structured academic life, but the youngsters themselves. After going to daycare, kids found it easier to adjust to formal schooling. And it’s a great thing for the kids and the parents that they learn to adjust while they’re still young.

  1. Interaction with other Adults

When children are very young, they learn about adulthood mostly from their parents and senior members of their families. Daycare provides an opportunity for children to see other adults as mentors and authority figures able to provide positive guidance. Adult care providers respond to children’s vocalizations, provide encouragement, show a positive attitude and discourage negative interactions in the daycare environment.

  1. Safety of the Children

While choosing the perfect daycare, parents always ask and keep in mind if their child will be safe. Good thing that Daycare Centers use the best quality, child proof Synthetic Grass and Wet Pour Surface that Nice Backyard offer, supply and install resulting to parents will be rest-assured that their child will be safe and won’t get injuries while playing and learning.
Daycare may help your Family thrive
Choosing a daycare centre may be a heart-pounding for many parents, there is a clear evidence that children will benefit over the long term. Finding a good quality daycare center where children are supported, engaged, encouraged and exposed to a positive attitude can help babies and toddlers set the groundwork for later intellectual strides. As kids learn to problem-solve and interact positively with other kids and adults, their parents can get to know one another and increase the social capital they hold in their community too.

During the work week, parents rely on daycares to provide their children with the safest care. Sadly, injuries are the leading cause of death and disabilities for young children. Licensed childcare providers have a high degree of responsibility when it comes to keeping children in a safe environment, so when selecting a daycare provider, keep these tips in mind to keep your child safe.
Indoor Safety
Children need an environment where they can explore and develop. The childcare home or classrooms should be an area where they can roam without being injured. Infants experience cognitive development by physically exploring the world around them, so keep in mind that children like to touch everything. Do a safety check when visiting potential daycares to make sure your indoor space is safe. You can use this question and ask yourself:

  • Are all breakable and sharp items out of the children’s reach?
  • Are toys in good condition, without any broken, loose, or rough pieces?
  • Are sharp edges and corners of furniture covered to protect the children?
  • Are small toys that could cause choking out of reach?
  • Are potentially dangerous products, such as household cleaners, chemicals or medications, locked in a closet or cabinet?
  • Are there any objects that could fall and harm the children?
  • Does the daycare keep up-to-date with recalls for children’s’ items?

Outdoor Safety
Playing outside is another part of child development. Take time to make sure that the provided outdoor environment is safe, addressing this following:

  • Outdoor play areas should be surrounded by a fence or border to ensure that children stay within the designated area.
  • Outdoor play should always be supervised.
  • Playground equipment should be suitable for the age of the children. Toddlers and infants should not be playing near tall platforms or high slides.
  • The surface of playground equipment should be soft and flexible.
  • Make sure the sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots are free of ice, snow, or debris.
  • If there is a pool, this should be gated and locked, unless children are supervised by a lifeguard.

Daycare Clearances
Along with basic environment safety checks, parents should make sure that their childcare provider has proper clearances. Providing a quality care and preventing an injury are childcare giver’s biggest responsibilities. As a parent or guardian, doing a basic research and visiting properties can prevent accidents from happening.
Here are also Top 5 Qualities to look for Daycares:

  1. Cleanliness

This might seem like a pretty obvious quality, but there’s more to cleanliness than meets the eye. You can ask the owner of any daycare you visit about what products they use and how often their facility is cleaned and maintained by professionals. Regular, thorough cleaning is a must, so make sure their schedule is frequent enough that your child won’t be at risk from excessive germs or bacteria.

  1. Safety

Who can pick up your child from the facility? Do parents need to show ID? Who has access to the building during daycare hours? What security features does the facility have? These are all questions that the staff should be able to answer confidently and to your satisfaction, since the safety of your child is the most important thing to any good daycare centers

  1. First Aid

All daycares – and indeed, across the country – should have an easy-to-access first aid kit and a designated health and safety representative with emergency first aid training. Accidents happen, so make sure your daycare facility is well-equipped to handle them.

  1. Visibility

Lots of natural light and open areas are key to a safe daycare facility, as they always allow caretakers and supervisors to keep children in sight. Supervision can help prevent injury, first and foremost, but it also gives children a greater sense of security and comfort knowing they’re being cared for. Also, if they need help with anything, they always know where the nearest adult is.

  1. Organization

Good habits at daycare makes for good habits at home. A daycare facility that encourages tidiness by putting toys back in their place and disposing of garbage properly will generate similar habits at home. Daycare is as much an opportunity for growth and development as it is a way to ensure your child is looked after when you must go to work.
You should never hesitate to ask any questions or be very thorough on your tour to any Daycare Facility. You should also feel comfortable registering your child at a facility that has all the features listed above. There are going to be lots of options and its always worth it to take your time, do the research and find the absolute best daycare that will suit your child’s need and your standards.
At Nice Backyard, we make sure we keep Kid’s health and safety when playing or using the outdoor areas set up by us, Our Soft fall Surfaces follow the Australian fall height standards and our artificial turf products are Lead free and absolutely safe for kids to play on.