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Installing Artificial Grass may just be the perfect way to give your tired looking garden a facelift. Old worn looking garden can easily be transformed into lush green grass that’s perfect for entertaining your friends and family, and for the kids to play on all year round – and of course, it’s a pet friendly too. As for parents who wants to see their children play around onto their garden, their safety is the main priority that’s why parents try and install Shock Pads underlay to their Artificial Grass because of its obvious benefit of being soft and springy underfoot which is perfect for kids playing around. Considering in installing Shock Pads underneath an artificial grass, it is extremely important to choose a good quality foam. Try to avoid recycled foams as they tend to absorb moisture, causing them to expand and contract. The smell of the dog/cat urine can become trapped in the foam making the odor very difficult to remove. Therefore, always ensure to choose a foam underlay that has a built-in draining holes that allow liquids to run through freely, without being absorbed.
Providing safety measures should an accident happen, that’s why shock pads are ideal for areas like playgrounds and schools or where any play equipment is installed. Shock Pads comes in 25mm thickness, comes in sheets of 1.1 x 1.5m and allows for a Critical Fall Height of 1.4m. if required it can also be doubled-up to create a 50mm Shock Pad to allow for up to a 2m Critical Fall Height.
Here are the steps on How to Install Shock Pad under Synthetic Grass:
Step 1 –
Remove existing earth, dirt and sand down to the required depth. This includes removing the existing grass area, its root base and a section of soil underneath. This is reduced to a specific depth to enable to install all the layers required to construct the high quality, fully porous fake grass system.
Step 2 –
Apply and fit the weed barrier on the exposed soil base. This is placed to prevent the growth of weeds and sinking of the aggregate across the whole base of the artificial lawn.
Step 3 –
Construct an aggregate base across the whole area where the artificial grass lawn is to be fitted. Then compacts the area using a compactor equipment.
Step 4 –
Level the base lawn area. Use a specific material including a screed bar to ensure a perfect level across the lawn area. This provides a strong, durable and professionally levelled base for precise installation of an artificial grass lawn.
Step 5 –
Shock-pad base fit. Fit the shock pad base on top of the aggregate base. Roll out the first piece of foam and cut to the required shape. You will find it easiest to cut all the foam and lay it in into position before you begin to glue anything. (TIP: As the foam comes on a roll, it will naturally try to roll itself back up soon as you let go of it. To stop this from happening, place a heavy object on each end to hold it in position.) Secure all the pieces of foam together, using a masking tape. Once the foam has been cut to shape and taped up, you can begin the gluing process. Depending on the temperature, you usually get around 30 minutes to work with the glue, so you’ll need to work reasonably quickly.
Step 6 –
Supply and fit the chosen artificial grass. Roll out the first piece of artificial grass, ensuring it covers the foam. Cut it into sizes. Take good care when cutting as you only get one chance to get it right. If you have joints, you’ll need to trim three stiches off the edge of each piece of grass, to form an invisible join. As with a normal artificial grass installation, you’ll need to glue the joints together. The easiest way to complete this step is to just glue the joints at this stage and then leave the glue to go off, before gluing the perimeter.
Step 7 –
Apply strong, durable quality glue to all the edges. Now that any joints have been secured, you’ll be able to fold back the grass at the edges (without the joints coming apart) and apply a layer of glue to the entire lawn perimeter. Use the same methods that was used when securing the foam underlay. Ensure that the glue runs continuously along every part of the perimeter, without leaving any gaps.  These gaps will be potential weaknesses where it may be possible to lift the grass. To ensure the grass and foam bond sufficiently, it’s advisable to stay off the grass for the next couple of hours, to prevent the fake grass from moving around underfoot.
Step 8 –
To finish, apply and mechanically brush silica sand infill to your grass. To provide exceptional stability and protection of the entire installation, a silica sand infill is applied with a special drop spreader and then mechanically brushed it. This product is an essential part of the installation process. The silica sand not only maintains the lawn, it also ensures it will remain stabilized and prevents it moving or ripping when exposed to extremely hot weather. Every artificial grass has a very slight pile direction and this step should be done by brushing into the pile, which will lift the fibers.

Now you can step back and enjoy the result ?

Please click this link to see our Shock Pad Products:

A gazebo or a Balinese Hut is a freestanding, open garden structure sometimes hexagonal or octagonal in shape with a roof. It’s the perfect way to create your own tropical paradise at home. Most gazebos are constructed of wood or metal and have built-in seating inside the sheltered area. To add a sense of enclosure and privacy, latticework or outdoor curtains or drapes are sometimes used. In a garden setting, gazebo can serve as focal point that offers views while providing shelter from the sun.
Investing in a gazebo may seem a little expensive for you can only use it in the summer and the rest of the year. This does seem like a waste of money, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Gazebos can be used all through the year, but you’ve got to know how to use them and for what purpose. Here are some tips on how to use your Gazebo in a different way:

  1. Turn it into an Outdoor Movie Theater
  • As yourgazebo is already set up, you can easily convert it into a home theater. Just haul your TV, CD system, and extra speakers out to the gazebo and set them up you can just cover it up and seal when not in use.


  1. Temporary Shelter
  • If you have a moveable gazebo, you can easily move it to provide temporary shelter to your vehicles during a hot summer. You can set it up amd move the gazebo in your driveway or on the pavement and park your car in the cool shade.


  1. Set up a Greenhouse
  • During the winter months, set up a small garden of seasonal vegetables like potatoes, onions etc. Don’t forget to invest a solid or flexible plastic walls to keep the gazebo interior warm and humid. With the right heaters, you can easily have a comfortable supply of fresh veggies through the entire winter.


  1. Set up a Pop-up Shop
  • You can use your temporary gazebo as a pop up shopby setting it up in parking lots, at fairs, and in popular shopping areas. You might require a license or a permit for it but it’s a dominant way to raise awareness about your business in your locality with minimum investment.


  1. Temporary Storage
  • Use your gazebo as a place to temporarily store your possessions. This is possible during the summer. However, you may need extra protection during the rains and the winter. In these adverse conditions, make sure you have solid PVC walls to provide temperature control to protect you and your belongings from rough winds.


  1. Jazz Up your Child’s Birthday Party
  • Children love having birthday parties. If you already have a temporary gazebo, you can set up a mime event, a puppet show, or a magic show in the gazebo and keep your kids entertained all through the party.
  1. Topical Feels
  • You can use your Balinese Hut and transform your landscaping project/lawn into your very own tropical island dream


As you can see, when it comes to relaxing outside, a gazebo is the perfect getaway. Just sit back in the gazebo in complete comfort in the shelter provided multi-purpose investment.

And if you haven’t thought yet where to purchase a good quality Gazebos, Nice Backyard is here to help you. As we supply, install and deliver Premium Gazebos for our customers.


Please click this link to see our Canopy & Gazebo Products:

1. How to Maintain your Letterbox?

Most of the people ask the question about How to maintain your letterbox or maintain letterbox? We try to answer this question and try to remove your confusion in this blog.
All Letterboxes are finished to a high-quality level, and to maintain that finish throughout the life of the product, it requires some regular simple maintenance. Your letterbox says everything about you, so it should always keep it nice and clean.

2. How to clean letterbox:

For stainless steel letterboxes, it is recommended to regular cleaning every 3-4 months with a regular stainless-steel cleaner. This will remove any corrosive residue from the atmosphere. Hinges on doors in stainless plates require a regular light coat or similar spray to maintain their integrity. Locks may need some proper lock lubricant from time to time.
How to Maintain your Letterbox | Maintain a Letterbox | Maintain Letterbox
Even though it doesn’t seem, your letterbox needs the care to make it always look clean and shining, because it’s continuously weather-beaten. There are different kinds of products to be used for this aim, that should possibly be neutral and mild.
The usage of aggressive cleaning agents can, as a matter of fact hopelessly ruin your letterbox, corrosing the protective covering film.

3. Steps to clean the letterbox:

To perfectly clean our letterboxes, here are a few steps:
a. Remove all the post from your letterbox so that it doesn’t get wet.
b. Damp a rag with cool water and pour some neutral detergent. Rub the whole surface with care, internally and externally.
c. Rinse the whole internal and external area to remove all traces of soap.
d. Wipe with a dry cloth to avoid the appearance of stains

4. Special Care of letterbox who resides seaside:

If you live in a seaside area you must take particular care for the condition of your letterbox. In fact, here salt and sand may deposit on the surface and wear it out. In this case, our advice is to use neutral and mild cleaning products, following the steps given above.
At the first step of the cleaning phase, we recommend you wipe the letterbox with a damp cloth multiple times until the material has regained its original brightness.

5. Conclusion:

To maintain letterbox and to make durable for the years you need to care and clean your letterbox on a regular basis. We hope that the information above helped you maintain your letterbox like it’s a brand new ?
Feel free to contact for any confusion regarding install a new letterbox or choosing the right letterbox.
If you want to buy new letterbox or mailbox please click this link to see our Letterbox & Clothesline Products.

While jobsite safety is a year-round priority, landscape contractors too face unique challenges during the summer. Hot temperatures can cause body temperatures to rise to dangerous levels. This can be especially threatening if you’re working outside, but it’s equally important to stay cool indoors if you’re working in an area with limited air movement and no breeze. Thousands of workers suffer from heat illness each year. Environmental heat is a recognized hazard, that’s why prevention and planning is crucial. It’s not just the plants and your lawn that needs some tips for maintenance during the Summer season of course Landscape Contractors too needs some tips to prevent heat related during this season.
Here are 9 Tips to preventing heat related during summer:

  1. Stay Hydrated – Throughout the day stay hydrated by drinking lots water and an occasional sports drinks, even if you don’t feel thirsty. It’s better to drink small amounts frequently, as opposed to larger amounts less often. If you wait until you arrive on the jobsite to start drinking water, it’s too late. Be prepare ahead of time and avoid coffee in the morning, unless if you followed it by water. Also avoid soda or alcoholic beverages as they can be dehydrating. Make sure too that you bring water with you or ensure there will be water on site.


  1. Dress Cool – The body does normally cool down itself by sweating. That’s not enough during hot weather, especially with high humidity. When it comes to clothing, cotton and breathable material is advised. Avoid also polyester or materials that will cause you to sweat more. A hat, light-colored clothing and cool, moist rag on back of the neck is also helpful.


  1. Work in Shade – Working in full sunlight can increase heat index values by 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep this in mind and plan some additional precautions for working in these conditions. The trees, awnings and tents will be your friends here.


  1. Take more frequent breaks – This is important for all workers like Landscaper Contractors, but especially for new ones. Allow them to gradually increase workloads and take more frequent breaks as they adapt or build a tolerance for working in the heat. If you’re working in extreme heat, take breaks until you feel refreshed and good about going back to work.


  1. Get air circulation– When working during warm weather, try to keep the environment cool by getting air flow. Bring in some fans to allow air to circulate the area.


  1. Take a break in the car – If you really need to get into a cool area, take a break in your car with the air conditioning on, it’ll help you feel refreshed. During this time, drink water and allow your body to recover.


  1. Schedule work accordingly – Schedule to do more tough tasks during cooler times of the day and lighter work when the sun is out. This will not only protect you from heat related illnesses, but it’ll keep you and your team productive.


  1. Watch for symptoms of heat exhaustion – Heat exhaustion can often affect you before you even realize it, that’s why it’s important to be very aware of the signs. Workers suffering from heat exhaustion are at greater risk for having an incident, since they are less alert and can be confused. Heat exhaustion can lead to a heat stroke, so if you’re feeling dizzy, weakness, cramps, nausea or have a rapid heartbeat alert your supervisor, take a break, drink water, get out of direct sunlight and allow your body to recover.


  1. Let your body adjust – If you haven’t worked in hot weather for a week or longer, your body needs time to adjust. You need to take more breaks and not do too much tough work during your first weeks on the job.

Remember to develop a heat‐related illness prevention plan that will keep your team hydrated and healthy all summer long. You may be aware that it’s going to be hot but remember to prepare yourself for how hot it will be during scheduled work activities and use the information above to determine which preventive measures should be taken.Educating yourself and your team on how to stay safe in the hot summer months is very important.

Landscape companies often operate on a narrow profit margins and must contend with hurdies related to labor, regulations and growth. Some company owners choose to wing it, dealing with each issue as it rises. While that might work when times are good, those companies typically don’t weather the storm of market downturns or other calamities. Addressing challenges head on with well-thought-out plans is like investing in an insurance policy. To get started in your preparations, here are some common problems and potential solutions.
Here are the list:

  1. Finding dependable employees
  • Year after year, many landscape contractors say that recruiting reliable employees are their top challenge. Fewer people are viewing the landscape industry as a career option, and the seasonal nature of some positions makes them difficult to fill.


  1. Retaining Top Talent
  • Keeping your best employees can be as hard as finding them. Creating a career ladder is a key to employee retention in any field and this is where many lawn and landscape companies fall short. If your crew members defect to competitors for a slight increase in hourly wages, you will have a problem within your company.


  1. Few resources to properly manage the administrative side of the business
  • Many landscape companies operate businesses that are too lean administratively, often because owners don’t view office staff as directly bringing in revenue. But when e-mails and phone calls go unanswered and invoices aren’t handled properly, you lose income and profit.


  1. Government Regulations
  • Landscape companies must comply with a host of federal, state and local laws related to employment, safety, chemicals, equipment, the environment and more. Staying on top of these changing mandates takes a lot of time and effort, but the consequences of failing to do so can be costly too.


  1. Marketing
  • You might think it’s enough to perfectly create awe-inspiring landscapes but to tell you, it’s not. Especially in competitive markets. If you want to grow your business, you must build name recognition and make sure potential customers know about your work.


  1. Managing Growth
  • If your marketing efforts are successful, you’ll need to avoid another pitfall like failure to understand rising overhead costs as your company grows. Company owners who add employees and equipment without carefully studying work volume and the effects on overhead costs are flying blind.


  1. Training
  • New hires typically join landscape companies during the busy season, when there’s little time for the plethora of training required by law and necessary to reduce the risks of accidents and poor-quality work. The results will end up dissatisfied customers, equipment damage, workers’ compensation claims, increased insurance premiums and possibly fines.

Do I need a permit for a garden shed is one of the most commonly asked questions when customers are wanting to install it for their garden. Most small garden sheds are exempt or complying developments by Councils and do not require you to apply for a Building Permit or Development Application. Councils throughout Australia are relaxing the requirements for shed building permits. The objective is to reduce red tape and to enable Councils to concentrate on more important building approval and DA application tasks. This is good news for anyone who wants to build a back-yard garden shed. There is no simple answer to this as there are a few factors to consider when purchasing and assembling your garden shed. The shed permit and approval process is being streamlined in all States of Australia. As of 2011 the streamlining process is still in flux and its best to contact your local council to get definitive answers.
Here are a few basic guidelines to follow:

  • Garden Sheds under 10m2 in base size do not require consent for SIZE.
  • Your garden shed should be the height away from a Boundary. However, if you are wanting to position your garden shed at the front of your property, like between the road and house, different regulations may apply.

As you would be aware majority of people position their garden shed against a Boundary/Fence, this is up to the property owner but please be aware the Council may ask you to move your shed as it should be the height away from the boundary (this would only occur if someone brought this to the Councils attention). If your Garden Shed is sitting on a timber floor it can easily be moved to another position if required so may be a safer option. However, if laying a custom-made concrete pad this can become difficult so please be aware of these rules prior to doing so.
If you are unsure whether your garden shed requires consent and unsure as for the requirements, it is best to consult your local council and discuss it. As for Nice Backyard, we supply and install Garden Sheds for our customers. We hope that the basic information above helped you how to know and where to check if your garden shed needs a council permit ?

Many people who are not Buddhists will buy statues to decorate their gardens. If you look at traditional statues you will see that the Buddha is ALMOST never seen touching the ground. Usually, the Enlightened One is depicted standing or sitting upon a lotus. Since you will not be using a wooden altar table in your garden, it would still be advisable to set up a small area where you can elevate the statue, if even just symbolically. One idea is to get several dozen small stones of the same shape. Build up a little mound upon which to place your statue. Occasionally, you may wish to burn three sticks of incense or place three flowers in front of your statue as a sign of respect and veneration. However, you don’t have to be a Buddhist in order to incorporate a Buddha statue for your home into your interior or exterior décor. Fortunately, many manufacturers offer statue finishes that will withstand the elements of nature, so they can be used either inside or outside your home. Buddha statues for homes and gardens can be used in Feng Shui applications to enhance your personal directions as well as energize weakened sectors of your life. It’s important to understand the symbols of each statue design so you can optimize the chi energy it attracts.
Symbolism of Buddha Statues
Different types of Buddhas are used to assist the chi energy move throughout your home and garden space. You have many choices of Buddha styles and poses. However, before you go purchase your own Buddha here are some information you might need to know which type of Buddha Face you need.
Here are some Materials that you need to know which Buddha you need:
You can capitalize on using a Buddha statue for your home and garden by selecting the material of the statue to match that of the sector.

  • Wood element: You can add a carved wooden Buddha statue to activate the wood element in the east and southeast. You can also add this Buddha statue to fuel the fire element in the south sector.
  • Metal element: Choose a bronze, copper or other metal Buddha statue for the west and northwest sectors to activate the metal element. You can also use this statue in the north sector since metal produces water in the productive cycle.
  • Earth element: A sculpted Buddha made of clay or carved from a crystal can be placed in the northeast or southwest and center of the home to activate the earth element.

There are countless representations of Buddha. Picking the right one can boggle the mind when shopping. However, each one denotes attainment achieved thru the mastering of a specific spiritual quality. Therefore, before purchasing one you might want to do some research on the meaning of the different poses. Then procure the statue best representing the desired attribute you need to master. Doing so will honor your personal Buddha Nature.
We hope that with the information above we helped you find the Buddha Face where its exact location will be. But if you are still in doubt where to purchase one, don’t hesitate to call us as we supply Buddha Face for all our customers ?

Bamboo fencing is renowned as an environmentally friendly and attractive option. It is an excellent option for fencing and construction. If you have chosen the Bamboo as your fencing material, you already know it can be a long-lasting. You’ve done your homework and discovered that with some upkeep and maintenance, bamboo fences can look good for years to come.
Bamboo fences are long lasting and durable. They require minimal maintenance and care. You can achieve a naturally aesthetic and exotic look around your home by installing a bamboo fence which you can purchase at Nice Backyard. It is also usable in a variety of climatic conditions. It is resistant to excessive heat, ultraviolet rays, rain and snow. It will also reduce pollution because it absorbs carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
How to Maintain your Bamboo Fences:
Maintenance varies depending on how you installed your bamboo fence.

  • If you attached it to an existing chain link fence to cut down on labor, do a yearly check on the fasteners to make sure they are tight. Tighten or replace them as needed.
  • If you affixed your bamboo fence to posts, check the posts every year to ensure they are securely planted in the ground. Rain, animals, kids and high winds can loosen the posts, so pack more dirt around the base or pour in some cement to eliminate air pockets.
  • If the bamboo fence was adhered by metal brackets, check for rust or any corrosion. If you see any corrosion, simply grab a wire brush, this should brush away easily. Treat the brackets with a bit of lubricant.
  • Sometimes poles settle into the ground. If the bamboo fence is now touching the ground, you’ll want to inch it up a bit. The less contact it has with the soil, the better.
  • After your inspection of the bamboo fence, you’ll want to examine the condition of the bamboo itself.  If you didn’t stain or seal the fence upon installation, you’ll want to do that now.
  • Natural bamboo has a waxy outer layer that may fade when exposed to the elements. When this happens, you can add sealant to bring your bamboo back to life. If you’d like, before you install a bamboo fence, you can also lightly sand and stain it with a finish of your choice for a beautiful look.

By regularly maintaining bamboo fences, you will lengthen its life and keep it intact for years to come.  Our goal from Nice Backyard is to help you get the most benefit out of the Eco-friendly and dollar-saving fencing material.

Please click this link to see our Bamboo Panel Products:

Rubber Gym Mats are a really good way to protect your floor and your gym equipment for home gym areas as well as in professional fitness and sports facilities. Rubber gym mats are highly durable and will last for years under normal use. These gym mats made of rubber are a great choice for weight lifting floors and workout spaces where free weights are used.Rubber Gym Mats are design for continuous, high-impact action. These rubber mats are available in a variety of formats depending on the particular use, layout and permanence of the space. Rubber fitness matting is more resilient than typical rubber matting to be able to stand up to years of constant abuse from weights, aerobic exercise and heavy-duty equipment.And of course, Nice Backyard offers a wide selection of rubber gym matting options in many styles including rolls and tiles. Different thickness options provide varying amounts of gym flooring protection.
So here are How Rubber Mats made:
Building rubber mats is beneficial for the environment due to the number of used tires that are recycled during the process. There are factories which recycled up to tires each day.

  • Large piles of used tires are delivered to a washing station into the factory to knock excess dirt and grime from the tires. Large grinding wheels chop the tires into small bits of rubber, metal, nylon, and fiberglass.
  • As the rubber chunks flow along a conveyor, the metal is separated and delivered to a separate warehouse to be recycled
  • Next, other materials such as nylon and fiberglass are sifted from the rubber chunks to be disposed of. The large rubber chunks are then dumped into piles.
  • A loader then scoops up large chunks of rubber and drops the load into another shredder. This machine grinds the rubber chunks to even smaller rubber pieces, almost to a powder. The rubber powder is spread onto rubber mat molds
  • Then, the mat press cooks the mat at a very high pressure to allow the rubber to bond. Water is then poured on the mat for several minutes to cool mats.
  • The rubber mats are then sent on their way down the line to dry and be cut into the correct dimensions for warehouse use.


Whether you need a floor mat that’s highly moisture-absorbent, one that aggressively scrapes soil from footwear, or even one that reduces fatigue levels for those who stand on it, Nice Backyard is your one-stop shop for all your floor mat needs. Contact now to see their varieties of Rubber Mats ?


Please cllick this link to see our Rubber Gym Mat & Flooring Products:

There are numerous benefits to using a rubber mat. They are highly durable, incredibly strong and versatile. Rubber mats can withstand significant weight and offers excellent protection to your sub floor. But there’s often one problem, the smell on rubber mat. When you install rubber mats indoors, you may quickly start to notice a rubber flooring odor. While some rubber materials have a stronger smell than others, that rubber odor can be overwhelming especially if you installed many mat in a smaller space, such as weight room or a garage. That smell can give people headaches, and if you are running a business then it could drive people away.
Rubber mats naturally give off an odor because they are made of rubber. Some people are highly bothered by rubber odors, while others don’t mind them so much especially if they choose a low odor option. Rubber mats that are made from vulcanized recycled rubber, can smell strongly, especially when they’re brand new. Some mats made of vulcanized rubber are treated to help it minimize the odor. Other mats, such as for outdoor used on playgrounds or barns carries a significant odor. When you smell the rubber from a mat, you are smelling the mat giving off volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Almost all scents and odors derive from VOCs. These compounds have been trapped in the rubber, but as the mat is exposed to the air and let in place for a while, the release of VOCs will slow down, and the odor will fade.
Here are a few tips on how to get rid of rubber smell:
Choose Appropriate Mats to make getting rid of Rubber Odor easier

  • Avoiding a rubber odor in the first place is far easier than rubber odor removal after the fact, so it’s important to realize that some rubber mats have stronger odors than others. As you choose your rubber mats, keep potential odor issues in mind.

Use a Neutral pH Cleaner as a Rubber Odor Neutralizer

  • Cleaning your new rubber mats immediately can help to minimize the odor. Use a neutral pH cleaner and thoroughly clean both sides of the mat. It’s ideal if you can do this outdoors, rather than bringing the mat inside first. Allow the mat to thoroughly dry before you install it.

Maximize Ventilation during Rubber Odor removal

  • Proper ventilation is key to eliminating rubber smell. If you have your mats installed in a space with poor ventilation, you’ll quickly find that the rubber odor will build up and only get stronger. Ventilation can help significantly, especially during the first few days and weeks after you’ve installed the mats. Make sure that you have the windows open and fans going as often as possible until the smell has dissipated to an acceptable level.

Sunning will speed up Outgassing for Rubber Smell Removal

  • If you’re going to sun your rubber mats, it’s best to do it during the summer, when the sun is strongest. The method is still effective during other times of the year, too. Depending on the specific rubber mat you’re working with, you may need to sun it for a few hours up to a few weeks before the process of out gassing is complete. Most rubber mats are durable to withstand limited sunning, but if you have tried this strategy with another type of flooring or another product, realize that other materials may be more sensitive to sunlight. Excessive sun can bleach or fade products, and you should never sun a foam or latex product. Make sure that your mats are thoroughly dry and odor-free too before you bring them indoors and install them.

Store mats strategically to get rid of Rubber Smell

  • Eliminating rubber smell can be more difficult in a small space, especially if you’re living in that space during the process. If you have a garage or shed, this might make an ideal storage space while you work on eliminating rubber smell in the mats. Storing the mats elsewhere will help to minimize the odor that you have to deal with.

Be Patient when trying to Remove Rubber Smell

  • When it comes to eliminating rubber smell, a bit of patience is often necessary. Make sure that you start with a low-odor product, which will make the overall process easier. If you need to have your mats installed by a date, order them well ahead of time so that you have plenty of time to work on rubber odor elimination.

Tips for Business:

  • If you’ll be bringing rubber mats into your business, like a gym, then you probably won’t have the luxury of being able to take your time in airing out a space and installing the mats gradually. In this situation, it’s wise to advise your clients ahead of time that the installation will be taking space. Anyone who is highly sensitive to smells will have some notice to find an alternative situation for a few days. When you notify clients, be sure to highlight the steps you’ll be taking in eliminating rubber smell. Remind the clients of the benefits that the new mats will offer and explain that you’re aware that the odor may be a problem and that you have a rubber odor elimination plan in place.

The smell won’t last forever, and the above steps can help to get rid of the rubber smell, so you can get back to enjoying the space even sooner. At Nice Backyard, we have a range of different Rubber Mats and are very good from smell point of view. Compared to other mats, Nice Backyard’s rubber mat’s smell goes away in few days. Contact now to inquire and check it for yourself ?

Please cllick this link to see our Rubber Gym Mat & Flooring Products: